We believe in uncovering the human capital that’s already in organisations, like an archeologist, and building the architecture to create lasting change in how analytics & reporting is done.
Uncovering the deeper insights in your data means getting a fresh perspective and learning new techniques. That’s our i3BAR course.
Designing the structure and visuals of a great reporting dashboard requires the skills that our courses provide. That’s our VSA course.
Our experience in the business world inspired us to generate a new solution to chronic problems. We take Excel as our programming tool and infuse it with imagination and purpose.
Our mission is to train individuals and improve organisations by transforming the way the world uses analytics and prepares reports.
We educate, train, and inspire individuals to become highly valued prized Agents for Change in their organisations
We want to help organisations make smarter decisions—and execute them faster
We deliver courses that grow each individual’s potential to uncover the meaning behind the data
Accountants are an overworked and underappreciated lot.
After years of working on analytics & reporting as accountants, we were inspired to improve our own situation. And we sought the way to improve what preoccupied accountants the most: reporting.
We discovered a method to change the way we created reports.
Through the creative application of Excel, we’ve developed a novel way to improve your workflow—and reveal the deeper meaning of your data with smart visuals.