Dear i3BAR Participant,
Congratulations on your completion of the i3BAR course. Before you embark on your journey to create amazing models for your i3BAR project submission, please spend some time to read through the project requirements.
Before you started the course, you would have received an email with the subject:
'Download Now | Your i3BAR Class Files'
Under the section Project Assessment, you can click on Submit My Project Now
The instructions require you to upload your submission on our project-specific website.
Login using the same email where you have received emails from [email protected]
If you have forgotten your password, simply click 'Forgot Password' and you will be sent a Password Reset email to the email you have provided.
The due date for submission is same day of subsequent month from the last day of your class. For example, if your last day of class is 16th September 2015, then your submission date would be end of day 16th October 2015 your local time. You will receive multiple reminders coming up to your due date. Simply ignore these if you have submitted already.
Should you require an extension, please also refer to the email you received for instruction (search your inbox for [email protected]). Extension is subject to the Certification Committee approval, and will usually not exceed 2 weeks.
The online assessment tool is interactive and will not let you submit your assessment if there are required sections that haven't been completed. Please contact [email protected] should you have any issues with the online submission.
To achieve competency, you will need to score higher than the minimum score of each of the five sections from A to E. The online submission will show you a check mark when you have entered the minimum amount of information to be competent for each section; however your project will still be subjected to the Examiner’s assessment and reviewed by an independent i3BAR Certification Committee.
About 8 to 12 weeks after submitting your project, you will receive an email notification notifying you of your result. Followed by a “Certificate of Competency” in your post, please ensure that you complete your mailing address on the project submission form. The decision by the IBA Certification Committee shall be final.
Self-Assessment Checklist
Before submitting your online assessment you will have an opportunity to download and complete the offline checklist to check your competency.
This will only give you a good indication but not the final marks, as the marks indicated are the highest possible for each item, for example, an executive summary may score anything from 1 mark (a single paragraph description) to the full marks of 10.
You can download this checklist upon logging into the i3Bar website.
Project Scoring
A) Business Relevance
Up to 10 marks will be given awarded based on the relevance and applicability of your project work to real life business situations. Minimum of 5 marks to achieve competency.
B) Overall presentation Visuals
You will be awarded up to 10 points vis a vis :
Main Menu
A clear and consistent spreadsheet layout
Appropriate use of colours
Navigation system in place – hyperlink
Effective communication through tables & graphs
You need a score of minimum of 5 marks to achieve competency.
C) Executive Summary
This would be a report that describes the objective and result of your selected project. You may wish to highlight any unique features or formulas used in your spreadsheet. You should include one final paragraph on your learning experience in using excel after the i3BAR course.
This executive summary should be around 500-word reporting on:
Current challenges
Objectives of the model
How does model help the organisation / resolve the challenge
Improvement, achievement or learning gained from building this model
Your learning experience of i3BAR course and this project work
You need a score of minimum of 5 marks to achieve competency.
D) Formula Integrity, Completeness
The best way to ensure completeness of the project is to present the model to your management, and more often than not, previous participants reported that management were impressed by what they see.
By preparing yourself for this presentation, you would have tested all the major linkages, interactivity and logic flow, ensuring completeness before submission of the project work.
For this section, you will be awarded the full 10 points but 2 marks will be deducted for every mistake, you need a score of minimum of 5 marks to achieve competency.
E) Applying i3BAR Concepts
You should have a minimum of the three distinctive blocks as follows:
Input Block, which is also known as the Data Empire. This block should not contain any reports or calculation. This is where you store all the raw data downloaded from ERP system or transferred in from the intermediary files. Generally this block contains several data tables with range names for easy referencing.
Logic Block, this is where data from Data Empire is processed and calculated. This block contains only formulas and functions, there should not be any data entry or hard coded formula. Generally this block will have a sequential layout on how data drawn in is being processed into useful information to be used in the presentation block.
Presentation Block, also known as the Report, draws data from the data empire and logic block to present data in a coherent and logical manner. Generally it should be visually attractive, with the appropriate use of colours, visual charts, dynamic reports and interactive commentaries.
To pass this item, item E2 to E6 are compulsory. And item E1, E7 to E10, minimum of 2 out of the 5 items to achieve competency.
F) Effective use of Excel Functions
On the last day of your course, your i3BAR trainer would run through with you on what is expected of each item.
Depending on the complexity, relevance and meaningful applications of these functions / tools, the appropriate marks will be awarded from 1 point to a maximum of points as listed in the checklist.
To pass this section, you must have completed a minimum of 5 items out of the 10 to achieve competency.
When should I expect my result and certificate?
Online Submission | Result via email | Cert received |
28-Jan | 28-Feb | 28-Mar |
28-Mar | 28-Apr | 28-May |
28-May | 28-Jun | 28-Jul |
28-Jul | 28-Aug | 28-Sep |
28-Sep | 28-Oct | 28-Nov |
28-Nov | 28-Dec | 28-Jan |
Have a good time Modelling!
Your unique link to the assessment submission was included in your project assessment email. If you do not have your project assessment email, let us know below.